You will have a chance to discuss a topic of your choice in detail with your peers from around the nation. A block of sessions will be dedicated to this networking opportunity that will allow for sharing diverse perspectives. To help us get you in a topic that best fits your needs, please select your top priority from these themes in the dropdown option on your registration form. In the following questions, we’ll ask you to enter the number of your first and second specific topics.
Monitoring for the Protection of Aquatic Resources
Protecting Water Quality
A1. Integrating Chemical, Physical and Biological Indicators in Assessment, Restoration and Protection of Water Quality
A2. Advances and Challenges in Measuring Physical, Chemical, Biological Health of Estuarine and Coastal Waters
A3. Evaluating Effects of Regenerative Agriculture on Water Quality, Hydrology, and Ecosystem Health
Public Health
A4. Challenges with Current or Future Water Quality Standards or Criteria
A5. Approaches for Communicating Public Health Risks with Subsistence and Related Communities
A6. Education and Outreach: How Monitoring Can Connect the Public with Water Quality Concerns and Protection
Monitoring for Ecological Health
A7. How to Prioritize Ecological Monitoring in the Face of Limited Funding
A8. Biological Assessment, Data Quality, and Comparability
A9. Using eDNA in Ecological Health Assessments
Policy, Government and Regulation Driving Water Quality Decisions
A10. What Elements in the CWA Will Need to Evolve or be Developed to Claim Success in Another 50 years?
A11. Policy Avenues for Prioritizing the Protection of High Quality Waters
A12. Approaches for Building Agency/Organization Capacity for Data Management and Analysis
Watershed-Based Planning
A13. Its Bigger Than a HUC: Connecting Data and Information to Engage in Holistic Watershed Planning
A14. Role of Headwater Stream, Riparian Buffer and Wetland Protection in Watershed Based Planning in the Face of Environmental Change
Climate Change
A15. Monitoring for Effectiveness of Sustainable Infrastructure and other Resiliency practices
A16. Ecological Indicators and Markers for Weather Changes
Emerging Technologies
A17. Remote Sensing: Using Satellites and Drones to Support Monitoring
A18. Advancing Geospatial Applications to Support Monitoring and Assessment Programs
A19. Forecasting Water-Quality at the Regional and National Scale
Groundwater and Surface Water Interactions
A20. Advances in Monitoring In-Situ Groundwater Quality and Quantity
A21. National Groundwater and Surface Water Monitoring Coordination and Collaboration
Volunteer Monitoring and Collaboration
Monitoring Collaboration
B1. What Makes a Successful Monitoring Collaboration? Swap stories and offer insights on effective collaborations.
B2. Participatory Sciences Role in the Past and Looking Toward the Future
B3. Monitoring Networks: Working Across State and/or International Borders
Volunteer and Community-Based Monitoring
B4. Best Practices to Engage Volunteer Scientists in Monitoring Collaborations
B5. Integrating Traditional Ecological Knowledge in Monitoring Collaborations
New Tools and Resources
B6. Mobile App Development to Support Volunteer Monitoring
B7. Using AI to Enhance Participatory Science for Monitoring
B8. Open Science Tools for Volunteer Scientists to Move from Data Collection to Data Use
Contaminants and Source Tracking
Naturally Occurring Contaminants of Concern
D1. Managing Metals: Arsenic, Aluminum, Selenium, and Copper
D2. Wildfires and Land Use Change: Mobilization of Sediment, Metals, and Sludge
D3. Disentangling the Impacts of Naturally Occurring Contaminants on Surface and Groundwater Quality
Harmful Algal Blooms (HABs) (freshwater & marine)
D4. Cost-Effective Monitoring of HABs: Developing HAB Monitoring Plans for Recreational Waters
D5. Tools for Forecasting, Predicting, and Monitoring HABs
D6. HAB Toxins and Related Factors for Analysis of Risk, Prediction of Vulnerability, and Management of Exposure
D7. HABs: Moving from Monitoring and Advisories to Assessments, Listing and TMDLs
D8. Effective Strategies for Communicating Nutrient Issues to the Public
D9. Tools and Tips for Tracing Nutrient Contamination Back to Sources
D10. Using Nitrate Sensors to Increase Coverage of Nutrient Monitoring
Contaminant Movement Through Watersheds
D11. Micropollutants: Approaches for Monitoring and Reduction
D12. Impacts of Salt Contamination: What Parameters Should Be Monitored?
Persistent Toxic Contaminants
D13. PFAS: Monitoring and Assess Effects in Aquatic Ecosystems
D14. Toxic Contaminant Risks in Urban Environments (e.g., pharmaceuticals, road salt)
D15. Passive Samplers for Contaminants: Strengths, Limitations, and Case Studies
Aquatic Debris
D16. It’s Everywhere! Microplastics in the Environment
D17. Outreach and Education to Prevent Aquatic Debris
Emerging Contaminants
D18. What do we know about 6PPD-Quinione?
Source Identification and Fingerprinting
D19. Atmospheric Deposition: Unseen Source Contamination Beyond the Watershed
D20. Microbial Source Tracking at Recreational Beaches
Open Data Life Cycle
FAIR (Findable/Discoverable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reusable) and CARE (Collective Benefit, Authority to Control, Responsibility, and Ethics) Data Principles
E1. Leveraging APIs to Manage, Mine, Share, and Visualize Data
E2. Tools, Tricks, and Techniques for Furthering Data Reusability
E3. Using Python to Acquire, Clean, Manage, and Display Data
Secondary Use of Publicly Available Data
E4. How to Disseminate Data and Encourage Its Use by the Public
E5. Sharing Water Quality Concepts with Children from BIPOC Communities
E6. Exploring the Challenges of Using Data to Compare Water Quality Among States or Across Jurisdictions
Moving from Data to Actionable Information
E7. Data Wrangling: Using R to Edit, Process, and Create Clean Datasets
E8. Aggregating Datasets, Protocols, and Programs With a Focus on Data Comparability
E9. Using Computational Tools to Identify Trends & Anomolies: Creating Your Science Story
Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
E10. Using AI to Help Process, Identify, and Quality Assure Taxonomy Analyses
E11. AI/ML Techniques to Better Manage Environmental Data and for Analyses
E12. AI for Document Writing: Saving Time and Juggling Ethical Considerations
Measuring Success
Effectiveness Monitoring
F1. Identifying, Measuring, and Integrating Ecosystem Services or the Economics of Clean Water
F2. Communicating the Value of Monitoring: How to Explain Impacts of Cleanup and Restoration Activities using Data
F3. Monitoring Design to Separate Management Outcomes from Other Factors
Water Quality Trends
F4. The Importance of Considering Discharge in Water Quality Analysis
F5. Landscape and Legacy Effects: Timber Harvest, Land Management, and Wildfire Impacts on Water Quality
F6. How Long Do You Keep Collecting Trend Data? When Do You Add or Subtract Parameters?
Lessons Learned in Water Monitoring
F7. Tips and Tricks for Making Field Data Processing Easier and Less Error-Prone
F8. Unique Ways to Deploy Field Equipment and Examples of In-the-Field Problem Solving
F9. Building QA/QC Into Your Project from the Field to the Laboratory
Local (Green Bay Watershed) and Regional (Great Lakes and Midwest) Monitoring
G1. Examples of Great Lakes Monitoring &Restoration Projects
G2. Urban Stream Restoration: Successes and Challenges
G3. Next-Generation Great Lakes Challenges